Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What lies beneath? A real-world mystery

Here we have an idyllic English woodland. But what happens if we follow the path?

A woman's clothes. Tops. A pair of neatly folded jeans.

A black scarf. A sweater and a jar.

A belt and some fabric trimming.

A brush and some jars of spices.

A box of candles, some rope, cutlery and a sewing kit. I don't know what's going on. I do know it happened a while ago - I saw these at the tail end of winter (in fact, they're only just out of view in one of my paintings) and thought they'd make much better photographs with plants growing up, round and through them but the mystery remains the same. She is either a camper (there is a protest camp nearby) or a student (there are halls of residence at the top of the hill). She must have been going somewhere, not coming back - the jeans and the clothes in the tree roots were clean and folded when I first saw them. It seems strange she would throw away a scarf and a sweater in the middle of winter. Did she drop out of university and throw everything away in a glorious moment of joy? Did a fellow student play a prank and hide all her things at the beginning of term, only to forget where? Did a thief pause here to rifle through the bag he stole? Or is something darker also hidden here? The possessions are strewn in a trail up to the edge of a very steep slope; I didn't follow further. When I first found them I had a genuine moment of doubt - should I phone the police? I still don't know, but I've not heard of anyone having gone missing. It's too late to lose sleep over it, but stumbling onto the same site again today makes me wonder what happened all over again.

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